I stumbled across this when I was searching for something completely unrelated on the internet today (Again, being completely distracted from trying to complete coursework. Story of my life.) However, what a treasure I found. I subscribed straight away by simply entering my email address and now I am a member. I browsed through various of the issues in the archive section and found it to be a completely innovative and exciting side to the magazine industry. The magazine is only featured online and after flicking through all the copies found it to be mainly based on photography with some controversial images featured in some issues (Certainly not the kind of images seen in the likes of Vogue and Elle). The website does not give much away about the details of the magazine itself and the site itself basically features a large copy of a magazine where you can virtually flick through the pages.
I was interested in finding out more about the idea behind this online magazine as I have not seen many as good as this before (if any), so I jumped on Google and started researching. I was pleased to see that there is is 'MC Magazine' Facebook page and it was there I got an insight into the ideas and concepts behind this exciting, virtual publication. It stated that 'MC Magazine' was basically an online magazine with style, taste and content whilst creatively bringing together the fashion and technology. Furthermore, the e-mag (which I have oh so cleverly named it) consists of various sections such as 'beauty', 'street fashion' and very unusual and interesting editorial shots. After further research I found that MC Magazine has had many positive reactions within the fashion market itself. Designers, photographers, stylists and make-up artisits have all admired the online magazine.
I also found the cover images to be very impactful. Every issue has a very strong cover shot and is mainly a close-up headshot of the model. However, the styling and concepts of the covers are somewhat unusual and as a reader, was very captivated by the cover alone, without even turning the page. I feel this is extremely important as the reader's attention is successfully grabbed and the images are not simply a gorgeous celebrity wearing a pretty dress; it's more than that. There's almost a story behind the image and it certainly made me think. Each issue has a one-word title in which the theme is almost carried out throughout the magazine. For example, the 'Blood' issue stood out to me (mainly because I am a woose and can't stand the sight of blood), in which there were slightly disturbing images of a man holding a knife to his own throat, he face almost beautifully covered in blood. Very strange.
'MC Magazine' state their innovative approach to be filled with new fashion trends, fashion news, beauty and fashion tips and this online fashion magazine, in my eyes, is everything that you have been looking for on the internet in terms of an exciting new direction in the world of fashion magazines.
MC Magazine, latest issue. |
An example of some of the content. |